Design Examples & Background


Initial Design and Benchmarking of an Infrared Meta-Lens

This example contains the design of a meta-lens for infrared applications in the PlanOpSim [2] software
Reading time: 20 minutes Written for: optical engineers, photonics engineers, researchers, technology scouts.
Extra-relevant if you are interested in: meta-surfaces, infrared optics Application examples: microscopy objectives, telescope objectives, lightweight optics

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Calcite crystal

Half wave plate for 1700 nm

 Reading time: 8 minutes Written for: optical engineers, photonics engineers, researchers, technology scoutsExtra-relevant if you are interested in: meta-surfaces , HWP, birefringent meta material Versatile

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Simulated two colour meta-surface hologram

Two colour meta-surface hologram: PlanOpSim design example

Holograms have always appealed to the imagination of both scientists and the general public. But wide angle and full colour holograms has proven elusive despite many years of research. In this article we explore some of the possibilities for making meta-surface holograms and how they can contribute to this lofty goal.

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Optical film characterization

PlanOpSim has used a number of optical techniques for characterization and parameter extraction from thin film materials. The most important optical parameters extracted are: Refractive

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